The original traditional game is called Grandmas footsteps regardless of who was playing the role, if you wish to change it to Grandpa it does not impact the game. Choose someone to be Grandma, an easy way is to get the children to stand in height order and choose the smallest or whose name comes first in the alphabet. Grandma stands at one end of the room/space and faces the wall (away from the rest of the group). The others in the group stand at the other end of the room/space. They then try to creep up to Grandma and tap them on the shoulder whilst they face away. However, at any moment, Grandma can turn around suddenly. If they see anyone moving, they point at them and that person must return to the start. No-one is allowed to move while grandma is watching them. Whoever manages to tap Grandma on the shoulder becomes Grandma and the game starts again.


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