You can either head down the park, or make your own hopscotch area at home. To make the area you need to make squares on the floor using either chalk or string (pinned to the ground). You can make up your own variation but try this to start. Draw a half-metre square with the number 1 in it, then another one joined to the ‘top’ of the first square with the number 2 in it. To the top of that square you will next draw two adjoining squares numbered 3 and 4 and then a single square to the top of those numbered 5. Finally a draw two squares at the top of this numbered 6 and 7. You are ready to play. Each player has a stone and takes a turn throwing it to each square in numerical order (1st go on 1 next go on 2 etc). With the stone landed on number 1 the player completes the hopscotch by hopping on 1, hopping on 2, jumping on 3and4 together, hopping on 5 and jumping on 6and7. Now jump and spin to turn back the way you came and do the same in reverse until you get to number 2. Stop here and bending on your one leg pick up your stone. Now complete the last hop and you are home. It’s the next players go. Keep doing this until a player misses the correct square with their stone, when this happens they miss their go and it moves on to the next players turn, or if a player looses their balance and misses a square or falls out the arena the turn passes to the next player. You can make it as competitive as you wish depending on the ages of those playing – you can have rules for older ones and not for younger ones to even things out if you have mixed ages – this game is really versatile!
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