A wonderful way to mark your kids favourite pictures – help them make their own frame! First you need to measure the photograph you want to use and add 3 inches to each dimension; this will determine the width of your frame. Then cut up two pieces of cardboard to this size – cardboard from a cereal box will do! Your next step is to cut out a space for your photo in one of the pieces of cardboard. This needs to be about quarter of an inch smaller than the actual size of your photograph. Ideally you should use a craft knife to cut this out, but scissors will also work well! Then you can decorate the border you have just created – this can be with paper, glitter, paints; whatever you want! Make sure you let everything dry thoroughly before you continue!
Now it is time to put your chosen photograph in the frame! Remembering which side of the frame is up, turn the decorated side of the cardboard and line the entire back frame with glue – the strongest you have available! Then carefully place your picture face down so that you can see it ‘in the frame’ and once you are happy with that, place your second piece of cardboard on top, ensuring that it all measures down. When you are happy with it press it down and wipe away any excess glue! You can then attach a small loop of ribbon at the back of the frame with glue or tape so that you can hang the picture up. Now you have a beautiful keepsake for your favourite photograph.
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